Last night was a fun event where my friend and former client, Angela Buro-to the right of me- (formerly with New York Life- and an extraordinary executive) invited me to speak at the "Women's Work" Career Fair.Also in the picture is Kathy Rempusheski who is the mayor's assistant.
The Women's Initiative of Nutley (WIN) was founded in 2001 by Nutley Mayor Joanne Cocchiola. WIN is a volunteer organization that offers events and programs during Women's History Month in March and throughout the year which highlight the accomplishments of women. On March 15th WIN sponsored the Women's Work Career Night at the Nutley High School. The event brought together regional employers and candidates and offered workshops with topics including networking tips, resume writing, interviewing skills and image consulting.
It was great to see so many women come out and support each other with advice, tips and suggestions and all the participants in each of my sessions were terrific and the great 'aha' was that everyone walked away with action plans and ideas to implement. I also walked away learning alot from everyone I met- which I always do and that is the best bonus of all!