The saying, "Will It Play in Peoria?" is traditionally used to ask whether a product, person, event or whatever will appeal to "Main Street" America or across a broad range of demographics. It is one of America’s largest ‘test markets’.
I had the great opportunity this past week to be back in Peoria to work with RLI Insurance again and see my client and friend Heather Accera who I have known since she worked at Knox College-8 years ago.
Although I travel around to many large cities both in the United States and abroad, being a midwest gal myself having grown up in Southern Illinois, I always enjoy going back to the midwest and being with the people there.
I always enjoy what I learn on my business trips and whether the city is a large, thriving metropolitan arena where the ‘city never sleeps’ or if I am in a smaller, culturally developed and business mecca for large organizations such as Catepillar or RLI, such as Peoria-there is always a great experience and learning to be gained.
Think where your life will take you this week, month or year and how you can enjoy and learn from every opportunity that presents itself!
It was a pleasure to meet you! I only wish we had more time to work with. – Michael, RLI
Just look how far this girl from the Midwest has come.