When it comes to Consumer Insights, Market Research and Future Forecasting– the one and only place to turn is to Judy Galloway, market researcher, trend setter and brand marketer.Besides running a very busy and successful consulting firm- G-Group Market Research, Judy writes and publishes the "G-Ometer Report"-the Trend Report for 2012.
To read the report – follow the link to:
It is chock full of information you can learn from and use immediately.
Her new blog called appropriately- "WHAT's NEXT"- can be found at www.g-ometerreport.tumblr.com
She will be reporting on the new and interesting things she comes across.
Judy is an in demand speaker across the globe- and one of the top authorities on Trends and the Future.
To get in touch with her and learn more about how you can bring her into your company or association, go to
G-Group Marketing LLC www.g-groupmarketing.com
or email her at [email protected]
I highly recommend her- she will deliver beyond your highest expectations