Visiting my friend Diane Silverman at her real estate office Keller Williams yesterday, I heard a wonderful story that I want to share as it relates to everything I talk about in networking and relationship building and development.
See if you can answer this question. How long does it take for a bamboo to grow??
The answer is four years and during that time period,the bamboo is building a massive root system. When it starts to actually grow, it shoots up 90 feet in just six weeks.
The reason it grows so fast and high quickly is that the foundation has taken years to set and build. This is much like the networks and relationships we create continually.
I thought this analogy was great and it is interesting that Diane, who I have known and worked with for over 20 years is now a successful real estate agent with a wonderful organization Keller Williams and I would recommend her or any of her partners in the highest regard if you are looking to move, sell or buy a house or apartment anywhere around the country.
Take a look at her link, she is clearly someone who has built her own ‘root system’ and is truly a professional.
I like the bamboo concept. So much of our business seems to spring up out of no where. Then I trace back the business to a time and place long ago.
Tom C.