Dr. Lois Frankel and Carol Frohlinger, Esq. of the blog The Thin Pink Line are writing a book related to the experiences of women who work inside corporations and organizations of other kinds and want to learn more about your perspectives through a survey. I hope some you can help them out!
From the authors:
The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Although we value everyone's opinion, if you are self-employed we ask that you not complete this survey. We look forward to getting your input for our next project!
Here’s the link to complete the on line survey:
To thank you for your participation, we will enter the name of each person who completes the survey into a drawing to win a complimentary one hour coaching session with either Dr. Lois Frankel or Carol Frohlinger, Esq.
Thanks for your participation!
Carol Frohlinger and Lois Frankel