As I leave for Israel and Egypt today, I was all set to finish last minute issues knowing that while I am away I would have my blackberry intact at all times.
What happened was a major crash and it took my wonderful computer guru, John several hours along with AT&T to get it up and running.
During the ‘shut down’ while I was away from my computer and phone–and not having the blackberry, I truly realized the meaning of what ‘wire-LESS’ really is!!! As one of my clients and friends said–‘maybe this is actually a nice holiday gift!’
Well, I’m happy to say–it is now back and running and I’ll be connected as I venture into the middle east.
Seriously as I reflect back on the year and with how dependent we or I’ve become on technology to keep us all connected, it is also a good time–just to ‘be’ and relax and realize that everything comes together in due time.
Have a wonderful, happy and most of all healthy holiday and I will most likely write as I travel.
I guess there is a reason they call it a CRACKberry! LOL
Have an awesome trip!