Never believe that Kismet is not out there and working its magic all the time. In October this year The Success Effect: Uncommon Conversations with America's Business Trailblazers (Sterling & Ross) by John Eckberg was released and in it was an interview we had from 2005. Three years later, that conversation and its insights have now gone global with a review in The Hindu, 1.1 million circulation and a readership of more than 4 million.
The carryout? There are a couple:
Best positive and expect good things. Valuable truths will always resonate through time and written words, -media and good old fashioned word-of-mouth will be the trickles that turn into creeks and become rivers.
Offer your best material always to media representatives because your experiences will echo and return to you as life has a way of circulating back around.
Keep it tight – time is short. Attention spans are even shorter. But don't throw up both your hands over opportunities that may not seem very big as harried newspaper reporters try to juggle tasks, obligations and duties. Take what's offered, find your pace and always move ahead.
Visit and learn more about my long time friend and one of the best writers and reporters- John Eckberg
Visit him by clicking here:
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