National Handshake Day was yesterday– June 30
Yesterday we celebrated one of the most common greetings between two people-National Handshake Day! My good friend, Lisa Aldisert sent this in her weekly Executive InsightTip which is always chock full of great information and knowledge.
As the post goes:
"Did you know that handshakes have been practiced since at least the 2nd century B.C.? Many researchers believe that the handshake originated in the Western world. It was a gesture peace, demonstrated by the fact that the hands held no weapons.
Today, a handshake is offered upon meeting or parting. It is an expression of goodwill, gratitude and congratulations. Many people believe that a handshake reveals something about the character of the person who gives it. A firm handshake reflects a confident personality while a floppy handshake reveals a shy one.
Today, go ahead and give some nice, strong handshakes. Make sure not to grip too tight! Or as I say–don't give the limp fish handshake either. 🙂
Lisa Aldisert is one of my role models in business– as I said– I always learn from her.