It is always great to spend a day learning from speaking and training professionals that are members of the National Speakers Association. I have been a member for years and always walk away from their workshops having learned more wonderful ways to add impact to my programs and presentations.
Today, I had a chance to listen and learn from some true stars:
Don Gabor- www.dongabor.comwho was also the host and co-ordinator of the whole day
Diane DiResta *who is also a great friend for many years–Presentation Skills Specialist
Garrett Terhune– who taught us how to market and deliver a high impact webinar
Ann Fry–"The ReInvention Hotshot" [email protected] who gave us wonderful ideas, tips and exercises to add more impact and interaction to our workshops
These are just a few of the highlights as there were many more workshops from great professionals.
The day began and ended with two great keynotes:
Pegine Echevarraia and Ed Robinson—
Fun, informative and I learned alot-