In my last post when I talked about my trip to the Middle East, I made the comment that the civilizations of thousands of years ago mesmerized me because they had none of the technology, tools, etc. to create what they did.
I have spent the last couple of days thinking of that and had my own Epiphany–how do I know that they were not as sophisticated as we are or even more so. We really do not totally know what happened, how they accomplished what they did and how their lives and civilizations were totally wiped out.
It is something to really think about and only after I experienced and stood in front of the pyramids and the ancient ruins could I believe what I saw and realized that there is much we do not know about their worlds and how they lived. It gives me a totally new perspective on things and how interesting to be looking down from heaven in another thousand years and see how the world will have evolved and what the people then will even think of us in the 21st century!