Friends recently told me a story about an experience that is one that we can all learn about customer service.
They had gone for a massage at a new salon in their city. It seemed like a great experience and when they left, they were relaxed and ready to pick up their kids from the grandparents.
They even commented how they would definitely return from time to time to this new find.
However, as they were leaving, they were bombarded by the manager trying to sell them a full package–that they had a special and a discount that was only good for the next week….. and his pitch went on for over 3 minutes non stop and he was relentless. They finally escaped.
As they left, they looked at each other and said 'Forget this place' and they even got a bit stressed out!
If the manager had just thanked them and welcomed them back and even sent a brief note of thanks or even did nothing, it would have been better then the 'attack' they felt they had gotten.
A good lesson learned —
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
This is so true. There is a fine line between going for a sale and alienating a customer, or potential customer by pushing too hard. This reminds me of what I call the “perfume gauntlet” at department stores where sales clerks armed with perfume sprays line the aisles waving the bottles at you while you try to make your escape. You might actually want to learn more about a perfume if you weren’t so concerned about being pushed with your back to the wall.