Last week I had another great opportunity to give a workshop on "Rainmaking Skills" for over 100 lawyers that are part of the New York County Lawyers Association
For the last 5 years whenever I present at NYCLA, I always meet terrific people who are mainly either sole practitioners or in small to medium sized firms where 'gaining and growing' the business is one of the most important skills other then their terrific legal knowledge.
Founded in 1908, NYCLA is a powerful voice on public policy issues and stands at the forefront of most legal debates. The Association's 10,000 members represent a broad spectrum of the legal community. Members take advantage of discounted Continuing Legal Education, free on line research, committees, professional development programs and member benefits–as well as the opportunities to continually 'network', learn and socialize.
Go to their site and learn more about what they have to offer for their members.
NYCLA is doing some great things for New York attorneys. Through my experience working with them, they have always catered to their members and offer the latest in Continuing Education topics. Well done.