Power of Three Personal Communications in Networking
“The power of three” consists of writing a follow-up note to three contacts a day. The United States Postal Service tells us that only 4 percent of the mail is personalized. Therefore, sending notes will put you ahead of 96 percent of the population. Here are some good examples where personal notes work particularly well:
- “Heard something good about you.” If you hear about someone's personal achievement or if you read something positive about their company, that provides a good opportunity to send a note.
- “Give away information.” For example, if you participate in a Chamber of Commerce, invite a contact to join you as your guest for a special program by sending a note with a copy of the event.
- “Gone, yet not forgotten.” Even if your contacts have clearly stated that they are not interested right now in communicating with you, a follow-up note offering some valuable information is a good way to keep current and potential customers aware of you and your company.
If you absolutely are not a note writer, send three additional e-mails, phones calls or texts to do your own Power of Three.