Put Deposits Into The Information Bank As You Learn More About Your Universal Network
Here is my list of information to know about your contacts, clients and prospects as you get to know them. Some are obvious and some only develop over time as the relationships grow––and they will as you listen, record and find out new information about them. Data is key and we are always looking to expand our relationships with more information. Here we go—and keep adding to it:
Business Information
- Company/firm
- Business background/previous work experience
- Address/phone number
- Assistant's name
- Promotions/business opportunities
- Key relationships
- Corporate culture, levels, politics
- "Why do you work with us?"
- How you met
- What business issues are they working on now?
- Who you refer them to and why
- Immediate business/career objectives
- Personality type: Driver, Expressive, Analytical, Amiable
- Did you ask for their advice? Information given?
- How you've handled challenges in the past
- Which competitor they’re most concerned about
- How they receive information: online, print, TV/radio
- What contributions are they most proud of?
- Preferred method of communication: email/phone/text/other
- Anniversary of doing business together
- What ‘motivates’ them
- What achievement makes them proud
- Professional associations
Personal Information
- Birthday
- Birth state or country
- Activities in community/charities
- Education: HS, College, Fraternity or Sorority, Degrees
- Military service
- Hobbies/personal interests
- Favorite foods/restaurants
- Vacation interests
- Spouse: name, occupation and interests
- Children: ages, names, schools, interests
- Pets
- Personal objectives
- Key extended family members
- Special holidays
- Any specific likes and dislikes
- Book genre that you enjoy reading
- Collections you may have
- How often they wish to be communicated to
- Idiosyncrasies
- What else?
Keep modifying and adding to this list and make it work for you.