If You Put Your Foot in Your Mouth, Make Sure You Are Wearing Nice Shoes!
What a reminder to me! We have all done it and yet, it is a good rule of thumb to try to be so careful to “bite our tongue” the next time we even think we could be in error.
I was speaking to a group of people and happened to mention the name of someone I had worked with. Even though I was saying something nice and extremely complimentary, I realized that it is never a good idea to name drop. To make the matter worse, I asked the group if anyone knew this person. What was I thinking! When I thought about it later, I realized I most likely offended some people and in the future I would “zip it” when it comes to mentioning specific names unless I have total permission to do so!
I even have a sign in my office that says "The most successful people, when examined have teeth marks on their tongue." I should have re-read it that day.