Reinvent Yourself
Or as I often ask myself, “In the grocery store of life, why would someone pick you up off the crowded shelf—are you new and improved, repackaged?
This is how a friend of mine started her own reinvention of her career.
"When I left my last job in the business world, I had no idea that social media would become my beat. I had held senior marketing communications positions with major companies and PR agencies. But if you believe in serendipity then you will appreciate that my world changed when a friend mentioned to me that she had taken a blogging course. It sounded interesting, so I signed up. I became totally engrossed in this new world of social media. At first, it was more of a hobby. I was challenged to learn something new—so I took courses, did a lot of reading and rebranded myself as a social media writer, blogger and project manager. Before you know it, I had a business. It's never too late to learn new skills. No matter what your age or background, try something new. Feed that passion you always had for painting, or acting, or whatever. Go for it!"
—Jeannette Paladino
Write Speak Sell
Reinvention is like change: Many folks fear change. It can be both scary and exhilarating. Change is your only constant, however, so do something today a little different—reach out of your comfort zone and see new results and learning opportunities each step of the way.