Every day I learned something from my Dad. I know I am prejudiced, however he was the best! He was a physician and a master networker, although when I was growing up, this word had not yet been invented. As my Mom and I were going through his things after he passed in 2001, we found this list below that he carried with him daily in his wallet. If you had known him, you would have seen firsthand that he practiced every suggestion authentically and sincerely with everyone he met. I now carry this list in my wallet and try to live up to what my father wrote. He didn't invent the list- he compiled it as the best suggestions that he read and researched in his continual quest for living his life in the best way possible.
The list is simple to read, yet hard to always put into daily practice. No matter what, My Dad always did and that is only one reason why he will always be my role model:
*Listen with your inner ear. Hear what is said with the heart rather than what is said with words
*Listen to the concerns of others
*Know when it is important just to listen
*Communication is hard work:
Hone your skills.
State your thoughts clearly and briefly
Remember to smile, not scowl
Above all, be reasonable and understanding
* Be interesting and interested
* Be friendly and enthusiastic
* Have a sense of humor
* Be human
* Laugh and grin everyday