Two weeks ago I was meeting my dear friend, Betty Most for lunch and when I walked into the restaurant, she was there waiting and the memory is so vivid–truly a woman of class, style and elegance-regally put together.
It reminded me of our first lunch 23 years ago when we first met and I was waiting for her in the restaurant and as she walked in, everyone’s head turned–here was this vision of total elegance in a full length white mink coat.
Last Saturday morning, Betty passed away in her sleep at the age of 59. She was not sick, she in fact was a health nut and worked out every single day at 6:00 am for as long as I knew her.
I said at her funeral-that everyone in the room had a special relationship with her, always doing and reaching out for others. She had recently retired from a long career at Clinique and was now working with me on several projects and also taking over a big role as a volunteer in the "Look Good, Feel Good" program at Memorial Sloan Kettering for people with breast cancer.
In true Betty style, as we sat at that lunch two weeks ago, I mentioned that I was going to get a new lip gloss and she said "wait"–as she opened up her bag where she still always had plenty of makeup and said ‘try this one’. It was half used and she said ‘when you finish it, we’ll go back to the store’—now you have to know something, I would never take someone else’s lip gloss–yet this was my dear friend and mentor, Betty.
Ironically last Saturday when I called her to make plans from emails we had sent and that the lipgloss was finished, I learned the devastating news.Everyone was in total shock.
When we said goodbye, two weeks ago, I had no idea that it was so final. I’m honored that she was my friend.
Cherish the people in your life.
I cherish your friendship…every day. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know Betty was all the better for having known you.
I’m shocked to read this. I was just searching for info on Betty as I have been thinking over the past few weeks that I should get back in touch with some of my old colleagues and friends from Clinique. I haven’t been good at keeping in touch. There are people in your life that do make a positive and memorable impact. Betty was one. She always made me laugh. She was a valuable and dedicated colleague. She was authentic and generous. Not many like her!
I’m deeply saddened that I didn’t tell her.