Many people will agree that you meet alot of new friends and connections through your kids–well pets work also!! My friend Pam Laudenslager who is an amazing entrepreneur and one of the producers of the great Broadway shows–The 39 Steps
is here with her wonderful dog, Lucy!
Pam told me a story of how walking with Lucy has opened up some interesting and great new friendships.
Walking on Park Avenue for over 2 years, she and Lucy, who is a cockapoo met Max a Cooker and his owner. As they passed each other frequently, the dogs sniffed and the people would say hello.Recently when Pam was going to a business meeting without Lucy, she ran into Max and his owner.At the same time, they were chatting, another of Pam’s friend walked by and asked how The 39 Steps was doing? Then Max’s dad asked Pam what she did and she said she was a producer for the show. Fast forward–Max’s dad found Pam on the Internet through The 39 Steps and saw her name and emailed her. His request–an invitation to a dinner party.
It turned out to be a fun evening and the world gets smaller–one of the guests had also been a patient of Pam’s Dad in Doylestown, the 1950’s!!
Pam says she has a new friend because Lucy was so friendly and sweet and I agree!!
So–tomorrow when you take your dog for a walk–be open to the possibilities. You just never know and for those of us who don’t have a dog to help us—a smile, nice attitude and open mindset may also gives us a new opportunity!