Today The Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America had their 2011 Aviation luncheon for the 'Good Scout' award.
These events are always great where the honorees come from different industries throughout the year and are honored along with their business partners, clients and vendors.
A Scout also- is always one of the speakers—and they are also always terrific in that they know the "3 B's of Presenting"–
*Be Brilliant *Be Brief and * Be Gone
Today was truly one of the best presentations I have ever heard in my years on the board of the Council.
Jared- a 10 year old boy scout (since he was 5)- captured the audience with his enthusiasm, passion and knowledge of his favorite industry–Aviation! He certainly knew his subject, had done his homework, congratulated the honorees and sponsors such as David Hess, Pres of Prat&Whitney and Dave Barger-CEO of JetBlue by name and had truly 'earned the right' to speak (as Dale Carnegie would say)
Not only was it hard to follow a speaker like Jared— whose motto of the Boy Scouts is "Be Prepared", he also has some very good networking skills already working in his favor.
I watched him during lunch having conversations with everyone at the head table and also getting several business cards which he promptly gave to his Mother for safe keeping until he could go home and follow up.
It was noted in the other speeches– that Jared will certainly not have any trouble getting a position in about ten or twelve years at a company in the field that he loves!!He is already meeting people in his industry of choice!
This is a true example of several leadership opportunities that one can establish at any age in life:
*Be prepared
*Opportunity is everywhere
*Think on your feet
*Speak with passion and enthusiasm
*Create and build strong alliances!!
Excellent program today and he is a young man I will truly want to follow as he creates the opportunities in his life!