I just had a great visit with a former client and friend, Nan Arnstein-the Executive Director and founder of Creative Arts for Developing Minds.The mission of this great organization is to provide opportunities for creative expression,enhancement of self-esteem and development of a sense of community to foster care and adoptive children aged two through twelve through art, movement and music.
Nan was a foster care child who was subsequently adopted and learned at a very young age how critical the creative arts–in her case music -was for her well being. She started piano lessons at five years old and earned her bachelor and masters in music and now plays the piano every single day. Music has always been the constant in her life.
Her goal was to create and provide the opportunity for current foster care and adoptive children to have that exposure and Creative Arts was born.
Nan is one of the most organized and creative people I know–a rare combination. She is truly to be admired.
Visit her website at www.creativeartsdm.org