Visiting this beautiful country, our first stop was the capital of Zagreb–a great surprise with so much to see with the amazing culture and differences between the "old town' and the new city.
Like any city around the world- the people create the culture and energy and the city is bustling.Zagreb is really two cities in one- with the Lower town, full of many boulevards, huge squares and much architecture.The Upper town is more intimate, cozy and very medieval in ambiance.
I learned something very interesting– one of the reasons that there are so many coffee houses throughout Zagreb-(hundreds) is because of the custom that everytime you run into a friend or business connection– it is only right and proper to stop in and have a quick hello over a coffee. In my short stay, I have had several and every coffee house is packed 24/7.
Here I learned this through meeting one of the locals, Tommy who told us of this custom and has been validated throughout.
As I say– "Networking at its finest!"
Andrea — only you, on vacation, would think of coffee houses as places to network. Love it!