My guest blogger is Ann Fry who is a professional speaker, an executive coach and committed to all things “reinvention.” She works with companies wanting to make some deliberate changes and she speaks on the topic around the country. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 646-708-5650. Her website is:
I have learned alot from her and I know you will enjoy her article.
How to Re-Energize, Re-Purpose, Re-Invent Your Workplace
Let’s Move Past the Status Quo:
We probably all have things that we say to ourselves when trying to push towards something new or different. Some of mine are, “enough is enough,” or “wake up,” or “aw, what the heck, do it anyhow.” The last one is to give me courage to try something new and different, especially when there’s some fear or I feel stuck.
We are living in challenging times. No one will deny that. People have lost jobs and huge percentages of their wealth. People who still have jobs are holding on to them with their fingers crossed that it stays that way. In some ways, with fewer options available, people are “staying put,” not rocking the boat. They are settling for “the status quo.”
Interestingly, companies are experiencing the same thing. They are trying to maintain a sense of equilibrium and calmness in the face of turmoil. They’re pushing people to their limits, as they try to do more with less. They continue trying to stick a square peg in a square hole, rather than creatively figuring out how to put a round peg in a square hole. They go back to the drawing board, analyzing why things might not be working, spinning their wheels and then often not doing anything different. It’s like they have their thumbs in their noses and are wondering why they can’t breathe.
If what used to work is no longer working, then you have two choices. You can continue doing what you’re doing, the same old way, Or you can take on learning how to regenerate/reinvent yourself and your workplace.
To regenerate means to re-create, or make over, to revive or produce anew. It’s this revitalization that will keep you original, fresh and on top of your game.
Here are a couple of short tips:
- Be willing to look at how things are, tell the real truth about them and then take on considering going after change.
- Stop doing the things that no longer work effectively. While you might not yet know what to put in their place, the truth is, you must first stop. It’s the staying in the status quo that causes the “stuck” places that we get into.
- Work in teams to brainstorm and harness new ideas. Allow all ideas to be on the table. Meet regularly, allow lots of input.
- Then, start trying out new things…. One at a time. See how they work, get feedback and forge ahead.
Remember the exhilaration you felt when you started your career and were excited about what you could bring to the table? You were filled with passion and purpose. I invite you to re-ignite that feeling, trust that change is possible, and work with others to create new and different directions.
Tough times call for creative ideas. ReInvention is a way to tackle the old and bring in the new. Aw, what the heck … give it a try.
While your comments are directed at companies, your advice applies equally as well to entrepreneurs. Point #1 particularly resonated with me. Be willing to stop what you’re doing and make changes. We do tend to get stuck in a rut. It’s the easy path to continue doing what’s been working, even though you are standing in place. A lot to think about. Thanks.