As I wrote on my tip of the month for November, this is a time to think back-reflect and give back.
Everyday we have an opportunity to be thankful for something-often many things.
As Dickens said in A Tale of Two Cities-"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'.
Before you dig into the turkey tomorrow–think about all the ways we can thank those that have touched us, made a difference, helped us and advised us–the list goes on.
T—-Tell them specifically what they mean to you or how they helped you. How did you grow and change based on a comment or piece of advise they gave you.
H—-Be yourself and mix it up. You can thank someone with humor,or heartfelt and poignant.Just do it
A—Have an attitude of gratitude.Attitude is our choice. Show appreciation as often and in different ways.
N—Nurture every relationship you have worked hard to develop and grow.
K–Kindness pays–as my wonderful Dad Paul always said on earth and still as he looks from heaven. Find opportunities to commit random acts of kindness for others. As Mother Theresa said–"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless" Give a strength centered compliment today.
S–This month and every day- start and end it with a smile;-your blood pressure will also thank you; set a goal to reach out and seize the moments to thank,appreciate and connect with all those who have helped you grow and learn this year.
Have a wonderful start to the holiday season!