Today as everyday, I'm thinking of my wonderful mother, Molly.
She passed away six years ago and even as I write this note, tears are streaming down my face. As anyone knows who has lost their parents, there are so many things you want to tell them and share with them–the pain of loss never goes away, it is just different.
My Molly always had a smile on her face and her deep blue eyes would look into yours and she would ask,
"How are you?" and she truly meant it. We were extremely close and I continually miss our daily phone calls and my frequent visits to Longboat Key, Florida. I still speak with her everyday as I know she is looking down with that wry smile.
She was a woman of class, style, grace and had a very dry sense of humor. She had a special relationship with everyone who was in her life and as one of her business advisors once said to me, "Never underestimate the brilliance of Molly!"
She also never minced words– her motto was usually, 'get to the point'– ( she was definitely a bottom line, driver type personality).
On the morning of the day she passed, she was getting ready to go with her nurse for lunch and she put on her lilac champagne lipstick, (of which my sister Meredith and I found 20 tubes around her apartment..some people keep glasses in every room, my Mom kept lipstick!) She brushed her hair and said–"How do I look!" As you can see from this picture, taken just a few weeks before she left us, she looked very, very good! She was So beautiful both inside and out.
My Mom, like my wonderful father Paul, was my hero. I was so touched by the outpouring of love from all the people she knew in her life. She is now my guardian angel and I know she is with my Dad and they are both making sure to give everyone they meet a smile and a handshake in heaven.
If you are lucky enough to still have your mother here on earth, make sure you give her a big hug today and cherish her.
"Ma-I'm thinking of you with SO much love!'
Thank you! Beautiful words for a beautiful MOM!
Andrea – It seems you are one of the lucky ones – a person who loved and respected her parents, cherishing them during and beyond life. I am saddened when I hear of adult children who do not have a positive relationship with their parents.
I am one of the lucky ones, too. Holly
I am one of the lucky ones, too. Holly
cherishing them during and beyond life. I am saddened when I hear of adult children who do not have a positive relationship with their parents.