The best way to truly get around New York City is on foot and in that case-one better have a great podiatrist looking after their feet to make you feel as though you are ‘walking on air’.
I’m lucky to have a terrific podiatrist-Dr. Richard Goldstein of Midtown Podiatry Associates right at 57 W. 57th St. New York, NY 10019. 212- 755-8858
Not only is Dr. Goldstein a great physician specializing and treating everything one can imagine about the foot…he also has a great sense of humor, wit and is quite the entrepreneur.
He is an excellent connector and is always up to listening to a great idea and business opportunity.
I have joked with him that he is a terrific ‘networker’. He would deny it–because as he says: "I just enjoy connecting people and I meet many interesting people through my practice".
I think he is a Networking success and I would clearly recommend him to anyone in or outside New York City!