Did you know that July is Freedom from Fear of Speaking Month. And the summer is a good time to take a public speaking class, get a coach and knockout fears of speaking. My good friend, colleague and coach, Diane DiResta, President of DiResta Communications is the 'go to' expert on any form of how to be a better and more confident public speaker.
Here are 5 tips Diane shared as my guest blogger to help anyone become a more confident public speaker.
1. Get over yourself and Fear of Speaking – Nervousness is being self-centered. It’s not about you it is
about them– Your audience wants you to succeed!
2. Focus on the breath – Breathe through the diaphragm of the belly. Take 5-10 deep breaths.
3. Prepare and Rehearse – Practice out loud and time your speech. You look good!
4. Set an anchor – Remember a time when you were at the top of your game. Get the feeling. Press your index finger and thumb together and anchor it. Press your fingers together right before you speak.
5. Affirm your success – Overwrite negative programming by writing positive statements and say them to yourself. “I’m confident.” “I can do this.”
For the other 10 tips read Diane's July newsletter, The Science of Speaking www.diresta.com and subscribe. I learn from her all the time.
Also visit her blog www.diresta.com/knockoutpresentationsblog and her website www.diresta.com and order her amazing best seller–"Knockout Presentations"