No matter how large or small our universal network is–we don’t know everyone who is a friend, relative or contact of even our dearest friends and clients.
Two weeks ago I was in a prospect’s office and as we were going over some of my projects, I looked at his pictures and said: "How do you know Karen?" His response was—"How do YOU know Karen?" I said–"she is a client and a friend." He said—"o.k., you’re hired–she is my sister!!"
Who would have known–they have different last names, live in different cities and are in different businesses! The reality is that the world is very small.
You never know who knows who!!
Be gracious and nice to everyone.
We all had a great laugh with this one and this is the ultimate in networking!!
That is hilarious!!
Indeed it is a small world, I wouldn’t want to paint it, but it is a small world!
Indeed it is a small world, I wouldn’t want to paint it, but it is a small world!
Indeed it is a small world, I wouldn’t want to paint it, but it is a small world!