Through a great person, Seth Diamond who I met many moons ago when I was teaching the Dale Carnegie class and who is an amazing entrepreneur and health enthusiast— I met a terrific woman who is making a difference and changing the lives of so many people.
Geri Topfer is the founder and board president of Kula for Karma
Kula for Karma, Kula for Karma, a NJ-based non-profit organization, is bringing together top health professionals in the fields of integrative medicine, holistic nutrition, addiction recovery, and cancer treatment to discuss the mind-body connection for healing. “Kula for Karma, is committed to creating a vibrant community of accessible, integrative professionals,” says Penni Feiner, executive director. “Our shared vision is to embrace non-traditional modalities of healing and offer hope and empowerment along the journey to wellness.”
I encourage you to visit Geri's website and look at all the amazing work her organization has done in just a very short time.
A brief snapshot of Kula for Karma is that it has grown from 12 to over 35 programs in the past year.
In her words:"Everyday our programs transform the lives of an unprecedented diverse group of people. Our programs include: programs serving children with autism, children and teens with cancer, at -risk teens in group homes, wheel-chair bound seniors at senior facilities, men and women with HIV/AIDS, women with cancer, victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking, and wounded combat veterans from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan!!