Through my terrific association with Don411 Media,
I am able to cover some of the most fabulous events in the New York area-
Take a look at my latest review:
Andrea Nierenberg's review of Dawn to Dusk by
David Parsons, and Black Flowers by former Parsons Dancer Katarzyna Skarpetowska at The Joyce Theater –
Parsons Dance Review: Jan 26, 2013
Mesmerized from the minute the curtain goes up,- Parsons'
Dance is a combination of modern, jazz and ballet that captivates the audience
immediately. Sit back- enjoy, absorb and take in the grace and movements of
each athlete on stage.
The choreography of David Parsons is similar to Alvin Ailey,
yet he brings a freshness and energy all in his own style.
The opening act,
'Wolfgang' is whimsical, humorous, with high energy and choreographed to the
music of Mozart. With continual jumps, lifts and modern dance movements- it is
upbeat and romantic. Each performer is an admired soloist that commands the
stage and then unites together to form a powerful and harmonious whole.
The main scene "Dawn to Dusk" has the dances situated
in waters of South Florida, including the Everglades National Park. As you
watch the dances live, behind is projected the true nature scenes, where the
dancers appear and disappear in water and swampy fields in the midst of
alligators and birds. It is both beautiful and entertaining to see the
Panoramic background throughout.
The scene entitled "Caught"
is like watching a performance in 3D. Strobe-light effects create an atmosphere
where the dancer looks to be suspended in mid-air. I found it to be Perpetual
motion and was only sad when it ended.
The whole program was true entertainment with an amazing
ensemble of performers that truly embody grace, athletic form and true
professionalism. A must see!
David Parsons was a lead dancer for years with the Paul Taylor Company. I’m not surprised you found his company so exciting.