During the times that I have walked through department stores in New York in the last couple of weeks, I have become much more AWARE of the "Cosmetic Connectors." As I hurried through the main lobby, if I so much as made a glimpse of eye contact, I was pounced upon like prey for a wild beast! Maybe I am just more needy in the cosmetic area than most ;o), however I had salespeople on both sides of the aisle, from different companies, begging me to get a free makeover.
Not only that, but these people are immune to rejection. They spray their perfume in the air like snake oil salesmen, hawk their lipsticks and eyeliners like carnival barkers, and then expect you to want to stop to check out their products.
When I do actually need something, they spend the whole time selling me on the products I don’t need. Not only that, once you come over and they "have you" they no longer give you the time of day. Trying to find somebody to ring you up is next to impossible. Once I am "no longer important" my salesperson is already off to her next conquest!
Maybe I am being a little harsh, however there is definately MUCH to be desired with the training and relationship development of the retail cosmetic salesperson. What they don’t understand is that the real secret to sales is to build relationships! If they did that, they would have solid, loyal clients who refer them to other people. This is a simpler, more refined way of selling and it would lead to much better sales for the cosmetic companies.
Technorati Tags: cosmetics, cosmetic counter, make up, beauty, sales, customer service
Andrea, you’re right. The people wafting us eith perfume or jamming samples in our hands are out for one thing…”Selling at someone”. If they will try to ask a question, or comment on something (clothing, my glasses, my child)..they begin a relationship. But it seems there is not time, so they’re trying to hook us, sell us, and not give us any service. If they invested some time with us, they’d have a returning client, one who is easier to sell and worth so much more to them. Keep up the good work.