Whenever I have lunch with Vince D'Addona–who besides being top producer in high level estate and retirement planning at Strategies for Wealth is a nationally recognized financial educator, speaker and lecturer…. I always learn SO much.
Vince clearly walks the talk. He reads everything and is more knowledgeable about his field than anyone and he shares his knowledge and helps people with total integrity.
With the more then 1000 entrepreneurs, business owners and estate holders that have attended his workshops to date–everyone walks away with so much knowledge and inspiration.
The other day I walked away with several wonderful sound bites on how Vince lives his life:
* You have to consistently be out there-seeing people and communicating and sharing–Visibility is key!
* Go to sleep laughing and wake up 'loving the work you do'
* Read, Read, Read
I was lucky to meet Vince over three years ago when I presented a workshop at his firm and even being so successful and knowing all that I said in my workshop–he still took the time to attend and be present.
He has more licenses and certificates than anyone I know and with a degree from Cornell in Biochemistry and over 30 years working with clients all over the country helping them save over a half billion dollars in unnecessary taxes—I would highly recommend him in any situation.
You can learn more about Vince by emailing him at