Many of our fondest memories growing up go back to our college years and how the time and experiences shape much of our life. I was lucky to go to a great school in the Midwest and have stayed in close contact throughout the years.
My wonderful parents were the first to believe so strongly in Washington University and when they passed left part of their legacy in the Health and Wellness Center of the University.
I had a great lunch recently with Bill Stoll, Associate Vice Chancellor for Development and Mike Worley, Executive Director of Development and it was great to reminisce and talk with them about how far the school has come and where it is going in the future.
I’m excited to continue to be a part of my university both here in New York with it’s extensive alumni network and also when I go anywhere in the world, I always find a ‘fellow Wash U. alum’.
I remembered how excited I was the day the envelope came to see if I would get in for ‘early decision’—I remember standing in the driveway with my Mom and was afraid to open the letter….
When I did, I was so elated and thrilled that I made the cut!!
I must say–that if I was applying today, I’m not so sure I would have gotten in!!
Make sure you take the time to reflect on your college and give back in any way that you can.