Managing Your Time Get up ten minutes early and be productive right away. You'll be surprised to discover how much time you have created through those extra minutes during which you can start a project, connect online, write a handwritten note to … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #271 “Managing Your Time as You Network”
Networking Nugget
Networking Nugget #270 “Networking Comfort Over Time”
Networking is now more comfortable to me. It was not always so until I realized that it is just a way of maintaining good connections with people. Now I see many opportunities that unfold when you have your ears, eyes and mind open—just like a … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #270 “Networking Comfort Over Time”
Networking Nugget #269 “Rewiring and Rebranding and Living a Wonderful Life with a New Network”
My guest this week is another dear friend, former client and leader from the Media and Advertising world. I first met Lawrence Peters when I called on him to buy advertising in my prior life as a magazine publisher. We have stayed in touch over the … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #269 “Rewiring and Rebranding and Living a Wonderful Life with a New Network”
Networking Nugget #268 “Networking and Commonality”
Hi! This is Al Martella – thank you to Andrea for allowing me to share some thoughts about networking this week. "My wife and I were recently at a restaurant and the server helping us was a bit curt. I looked at his badge and saw we share a … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #268 “Networking and Commonality”
Networking Nugget #267 “Networking Domino Effect”
Networking Domino Effect I met my friend Scott at a conference, we stayed in touch, I introduced him to a group as a potential speaker, then to a radio show, and he has now published his own book. From one person to another—just taking the action … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #267 “Networking Domino Effect”
Networking Nugget #266 Job Candidate Strategy- “How to Stand Out from the Crowded Field”
My guest this week is Brian Wagner, who is a long-time friend and Superstar in the Direct Marketing industry and a seasoned Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Marketing Executive. Brian walks the talk and has outlined here how he ‘stood out from the crowd’ in … [Read more...] about Networking Nugget #266 Job Candidate Strategy- “How to Stand Out from the Crowded Field”