Today would have been my wonderful Mom's 86th birthday. Molly was truly one special lady. She always said it like it was, you knew where you stood with her and she had a heart of pure gold. I miss our daily calls no matter where in the … [Read more...] about Remembering Molly-My Wonderful Mom on Her Birthday
An American Dream Come True-With True Customer Service
My good friend and colleague Bill Hanifin, who I call the King of Loyalty and runs Hanifin Loyalty- is a true strategist and guru in the whole area of marketing and retention.In the true spirit of 'networking', we met years ago at a Direct … [Read more...] about An American Dream Come True-With True Customer Service
Watch This-Even If You Are Not a Marine
My friend, Bill Sitar, of Sitar Realty is also a Marine and 'Once a Marine, Always A Marine' . I truly believe that the leadership skills taught in the Marines are the backbone of all communications and of successful people. Bill … [Read more...] about Watch This-Even If You Are Not a Marine
A Monthly article that is a must read
My friend Robert , started his monthly column with Forbes. You can see it on and it is under the 'CEO News' heading. Robert and I were Dale Carnegie instructors 'a lifetime … [Read more...] about A Monthly article that is a must read
Slow Down to Read This Touching Poem
This amazing poem will touch you and be thought provoking.Slow Dance. This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.She wants to see how many people get her poem. Read it and pass it on--and read all the way down to see how you will have an … [Read more...] about Slow Down to Read This Touching Poem
This Girl Scout Can Dance!
When I discuss all types of networking and relationship building—it is all about continually connecting the dots and this brief story sums it up. In 2003, I was a speaker at FWA- Financial Women’s Association –which is a terrific … [Read more...] about This Girl Scout Can Dance!