Whenever I have lunch with Vince D'Addona--who besides being top producer in high level estate and retirement planning at Strategies for Wealth is a nationally recognized financial educator, speaker and lecturer.... I always … [Read more...] about Continual and Consistent Hard Work and Loving What You Do Equals Success
When You Want to Make a “KnockOut Presentation”
My good friend and colleague, Diane DiResta is one of the top Presentation Skills coaches in the country. Her wonderful book "Knockout Presentations" covers every step of the 'how to's" of … [Read more...] about When You Want to Make a “KnockOut Presentation”
A Crowning Glory–Why I Travel to Have My Hair Done
After having my hair colored (yes--I can't even remember my original color anymore :-)---I have been going to Ryan Waldhelm-above left--who my dear cousin Helen--in the middle referred me to over a year ago. Next to Ryan is … [Read more...] about A Crowning Glory–Why I Travel to Have My Hair Done
A Life To Be Remembered
A much loved friend, an MPIGNY(Meeting Planners International New York) Past President, mentor to many in the speaking industry, a highly respected businesswoman and aspiring comedienne, passed away last November. … [Read more...] about A Life To Be Remembered
In Great Company at the Rotary District Conference
This past weekend, I had the great opportunity to be part of one of our Rotary conferences and to give a Career Builder workshop on Time Management. All the presenters were terrific --and we all learned allot--especially from the young man to my left … [Read more...] about In Great Company at the Rotary District Conference
Learn about the European American Chamber of Commerce-In New York
I recently met Francesco Liberti who is the chapter administrator of the European American Chamber of Commerce in New York City. As we shared a coffee after meeting through another mutual friend--Frank Boros (the terrific artist I … [Read more...] about Learn about the European American Chamber of Commerce-In New York