It may be hard to see the African penguins in this picture–however they are there–and there are many of them.Here I am during my wonderful trip to South Africa, in Capetown's section- The Boulders which is the world famous colony of Penguins and wind sheltered beaches.
This is one of the few sites where this endangered bird can be observed in very close range as they wander in protected natural environment.
Since my arrival on Tuesday, it has been a whirlwind of a couple of business meetings and opportunities, a workshop at a wonderful company that I met on line (yes, social media works!) and then joining a wonderful tour and meeting absolutely terrific people!
Today as we toured through the beautiful city of Capetown, we saw so much including the grand finale of going up to the top of Table Mountain which is slated to become one of the new Seven Wonders of the Natural World. We also visited The Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve where we saw baboons and Cape Mountain zebras.
So many wonderful observations so far– and I'm excited to continue my journey. I loved Kenya when I visited there five years ago and can see how I'm also loving the experience of South Africa.
I will continue to write and share a few of the highlights of this wonderful trip.
Enjoy – it looks spectacular! Can’t wait to see all the photos and her all about it.