ABC’s of Life Networking
A Action,Attitude, Be an Ambassador of your company and life, Create Advocacy
B Belong to groups- industry, professional, special interest, client focused
C Call your Clients and Contacts—Connect
D Deliver what you say immediately and consistently
E Empathy, Execute, Evolution, Eyes and Ears (opened)
F Friendly approach, Find opportunities to be in touch
G Goals, Give, Grow
H Humor and Help—go hand in hand
I Initiate and show Interest
J Join and be involved
K Keep in touch with their preferred method of communication
L Listen and Learn
M Motivate yourself to keep the process going, think like a Marketer
N Nurture your relationships
O Be Open, ask Open-ended questions, Opportunity to learn from all
P Process, Plan, Practice
Q Set your Quota—Quality versus Quantity
R Research, be a Resource,Refer others
S Strategy, System, Success
T Trust takes Time
U Understand first, everyone is Unique
V Versatility counts
W Write to stay in touch
X XO- Really Like the people in your continual networks
Y Focus on the other “YOU”—what are their interests
Z Zero in on all opportunities and possibilities with new and nurtured connections
Great list, Andrea!