AS I was preparing to go on my Crystal cruise in February, friends in my building told me to reach out to a good friend of theirs who is a regular on the Circuit who could give me some advice.
I called Bill Boggs and he was very gracious in his help and perspective and gave me great advice for my trip.
Fast forward and back in New York, we have gotten together and he is truly a powerhouse of an entertainer, performer, speaker and author.
As he told me, he is a man who made his childhood dream come true.
Here is a brief bio on Bill and then I invite you to learn more about him by visiting his website which is listed below.
He is terrific!
Bill Boggs, author of the Harper/Collins book, GOT WHAT IT TAKES? SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE REVEAL HOW THEY MADE IT TO THE TOP, is currently the celebrity correspondent for the syndicated TV show "My Generation," is a four-time Emmy Award winning television interviewer and producer. In addition to his long and diverse career on television (anchoring the news for NBC, talk shows for Fox, a game show for CBS, a syndicated comedy show, and series for Showtime, The Travel Channel, The Food Network and more), Boggs is a writer and author, an acclaimed stage performer, and professional speaker. He is president of Bill Boggs Productions Inc. Boggs has B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania.
Bill was also selected as a "Father of the Year" by the National Father's Day Committee.
To learn more about Bill and invite him to speak at a meeting or conference, go to:
Whenever you meet someone who you feel uncomfortable being close to, you would mention to a friend that you had a gut feeling about that person.