Several weeks ago, I was lucky to be a speaker at the Rotary District conference and in my session, I met Brian Wallach who is a true inspiration. He asked me a question about a quote I used from Teddy Roosevelt and I mentioned that I would call him the following week after I did some research–which I did.
When we spoke, he said he knew I would follow up–because I had said "I'm a woman of my word".What a great conversation we had and I learned allot from Brian from our call.
If you want to be inspired by someone who truly makes a difference and lives life to the fullest–please read this article that was published several years ago in the Westchester County Business Journal.
When I spoke to Marie, Brian's incredible assistant–she mentioned she has now worked with him for 31 years!!
Read below and become inspired.
I meet the most wonderful people through the Rotary!
Brian Wallach: