How many times have you been asked to introduce a speaker for any type of meeting and the anxiety arises on 'how to make this interesting!'
If you are the one with the task, you may not know the person, so you are pretty much left to read her or his bio. On the other hand, if you are the one listening to the introduction, you have to sit through that rather mundane reading of the bio by someone else. After all this, pity the poor speaker, once again introduced “lacklusterly” – and this is the person who is supposed to be featured, touted, cherished.
What you need is a new form of introduction, one that creates valuable attention and sets the speaker up for success. It will add double value when this new concept makes you seem helpful to the speaker and creative as the individual you are.
If so- my friend, Steven R.Cony is the 'go-to' person to create a Poetric introduction that will make you and the audience smile, anticipate the speaker and make your job a true pleasure. His company tag line: 'Bigger Ideas, Better Results' is so true!
This is called Poetic Introductions, giving you a cleverly rhymed poem that incorporates those necessary bio items – and it also engages the audience delightfully, right before the speaker strides to the podium.
Here is an example of a Poetic Introduction that Steve created for me when I spoke recently on the topic of:"Creating Chemistry With Clients"
He made me even more excited and empowered to truly deliver a wonderful presentation and to approach the audience with a laugh and grin from the heart!
I highly recommend getting in touch with Steve and seeing how he can work with you and the next introduction you have to make!
You will see that all the bio information is in the poem –yet now presented in a more intriguing manner.
The introducer becomes the first hero, by making the speaker seem more special. The audience goes away saying “Wow, that person who gave the intro really cared!”
We wanted an expert on how to serve clients –
So we did all our homework and found several giants
Who could share good advice – like we got from our mothers —
But Andrea Nierenberg surpassed all the others.
She surpassed, she surmounted, she even surprised,
And we said, “If we’re wise, then we’d best be advised
To invite her to spill her whole stash of experience –
And her own personal chemistry, which is built on “sincere-ience.”
She’s a world-renowned speaker and author and coach.
(And the easiest person to just plain approach.)
For 25 years and ‘cross 45 nations
Her “chemistry labs” end with standing ovations.
She’s ready to tell us about best first impressions –
And wait ‘til you see how she showers her sessions
With unparalleled know-how on networking skill –
Welcome Andrea Nierenberg – you’re in for a thrill.
Steven R. Cony
'Bigger Ideas, Better Results'
Love the idea — certainly more interesting than “….without further a-do, let me introduce…”
Wow – this is terrific. I love this idea of Poetic Introductions. I have a dear friend who at her 60th birthday party for 50 women friends, wrote a poem about every one of the guests! It was great fun and so memorable! Miss you! Talk soon.
Who are willing to work seriously, who can make a number of achievements, can cut a brilliant figure. There is no true value of a thing, you can not through hard work and can get. In the labor labor, is the mother of invention. Everything in the labor labor, there is no life truth.