Here is my friend, co-author and Professor Extraordinaire- Dr. Michael Faulkner, who is in Europe on a 3 week trip with DeVry- Keller Graduate students who are visiting 4 major cities– working, enjoying and gaining incredible experiences.
Mike has been sending many photos- and I will continue to post some or direct people to Facebook.
Even while he is away, he is still writing and continually working on his next book- since we just recently sent in the manuscript for our latest book- "Networking for Veterans"
To read about the program that Mike is leading- look below. It is fantastic!
The Keller Graduate School Study Abroad program is open to for Keller MBA students with a GPA of 3.6 and who apply. Those students whom are selected then receive several hours of cultural training and spend two weeks online with the professors examining global marketing and business issues such as the concept of globalization, free market vs statist government controls, the EURO crisis and bailout strategies. This is an historic time to visit Europe and be present as many decisions and plans are discussed.
Following the two weeks on line the students spend three weeks in Europe including Paris, Berlin, and Prague. During these stops, the program includes visits to major international firms and organizations. These include, The International Chamber of Commerce, The International Court of Arbitration, the American Chamber of Commerce in Paris, Banque de France, Vattenfall Energy Corp., Bayer Schering Pharma, the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany, meetings with German legislators, and the Prague International trade center. In addition, each day there is a class session covering historical and contemporary issues of Globalization.
The students have assignments including a multi media journal, a personal networking requirement in which they must network with at least two small business people, or workers, and the big assignment which is a 10 minute multi-media account of their visit covering subjects such as cultural differences, business and economic characteristics, sites and sounds of the life in each country, and other impressions. Upon return, the students go online for three weeks with their professors with more work relating to international economics, business and globalization. The program is six credit hours but a lifetime of impressions and memories.