A new book has just been published by one of the foremost authorities on body language in business, Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D.
Carol conducted an extensive survey to research her new book, The Truth About Lies in the Workplace (Berrett-Koehler).
Here are a few of the startling facts she uncovered:
- 53% said their immediate supervisor regularly
lied to them - 51% believe their co-workers regularly lied
- 53% admitted lying themselves
67% of workers don’t trust senior leadership
Lies and deception are running rampant in the workplace.
Fortunately, Carol’s terrific new book explains in
easy to understand language:
- How to spot a liar and what to do about it
- How men and women lie differently
- How to deal with liars whether the liar is
above, below, or on the same level as you - The one lie you better not tell your manager
- How to NOT look like a liar when you’re telling
the truth - Ways to foster candor and decrease deception in
your organization
Carol’s advice applies whether the liar is a co-worker,
boss, customer, prospect or board member. Her tips will help you defend
yourself and your company from backstabbers, credit taking colleagues, lying bosses, gossips, and cheating job applicants.
I am sure you will realize a few things when you read The Truth About Lies in the Workplace.
P.S. Read Chapter 3: Why We Believe Liars and How We Play Into Their Hands
twice. Get your copy now. http://www.ckg.com/lies-in-the-workplace.php