June 3, 2016 by Andrea Nierenberg Networking Nugget 109 Do You Convey Leadership Be a Leader at Business Functions How do you recognize leaders at a business function? Here are the qualities that help you stand out: Ability to make others feel comfortable Appear confident and at ease Ability to laugh at themselves––not at others Show interest in others: maintain eye contact, self-disclose, asks questions and actively listens Extends themselves to others––lean into a greeting with a firm handshake and a smile Conveys a sense of enthusiasm and energy Are well rounded, well informed, well intentioned and well mannered Knows vignettes or stories of actual events that are interesting, humorous and appropriate Conveys respect and genuinely likes people. Continually conveys the signals of Executive Presence in all they do. Leadership Qualities for the Office: Keeps it professional all the time Knows the protocol of the organization Listens more than speaks Critiques rather than criticizes Helps others get what they want Creates win/win solutions Is assertive––not aggressive Is willing to go the extra mile Is appreciative of the help received Works with dedication and loyalty Constantly improves their knowledge Is the best at what they do Learns to get along with everyone Are diplomatic. These suggestions are all easy to read yet take focus, practice and skill to continually implement. Andrea Nierenberg President of Nierenberg Consulting Group Share this Networking Nugget Visit the WebsiteNierenbergGroup.com 917.626.8494