Running and continuing to build a virtual company with different colleagues and friends to refer business and work together is a major plus!
Just this week I had the opportunity to be a part of a great team working in Los Angeles for a major organization teaching Leadership and Feedback skills. Here is a picture taken after our program on my blackberry–so not the best picture–however, we are all there!
The program was developed and coordinated through a great friend and associate–Bob Wiesner, founder of Executive Persuasion who is one of the best trainers I know!
As I looked around the team Bob had assembled–it truly made up one of the strongest components of "networking"–building advocacy and working with people you like, respect and know will do a great job!
First, I saw my dear friend Vicky Amon who is a former client and now a wonderful colleague in her own consulting firm- Building People Assets [email protected] and a terrific Presentations Skills and Writing Coach Extraordinaire! She loves bringing people together and it was through Vicky that the connections seem to spring from this project. I met Vicky over 10 years ago when I worked with her at her former advertising agency. She introduced me to Bob Weisner.
Across the room was Mary Mayotte- head of Speech Fitness and Communications expert with a focus now on mergers and acquisitions. Mary and I have been great friends and colleagues for over 10 years also and have worked for and with each other on different assignments. I introduced Mary to Bob through one of the Speaker training programs I put together with a team in the pharma business and Mary then brought two people to this assignment–Eileen Winnick and Deborah Zeigler. Eileen has also worked with me on speaker training programs and had met Bob through one of these programs also. She does new media training and corporate training throughout the country and is also a performance coach and alot of fun.Her organization is The Winnick Group [email protected]
Deborah Zeigler was there and she and I met years ago also doing speaker training projects with another team and she is truly a delight and kept us laughing and engaged. She is a consultant on Career and Life Transitions and also communications, management development and presentations skills and is [email protected]
My friend Diane DiResta who I have known since 1993 through the National Speakers Association and other connections is also a Super consultant. She works with organizations who want to make a greater impact through public speaking, interpersonal skills and media training and is the author of Knockout Presentations-a must read! Diane met Bob through me at one of my team speaker Training programs. Diane brought her long time friend and excellent trainer who I also met years ago –Janet Fitzgerald who relocated to California and is a speech pathologist turned executive coach specializing in voice diction, presentation skills and interpersonal communications. She is also the proud Mom of an adorable 5 year old young lady who is already quite the actress! She is at
Henry Caplan who is a new colleague is an actor and loves facilitating change. He has an amazing personality and style and was fun to work with and came to Bob through Diane. He is [email protected]
Laura Tykodi from Denver was also someone that I had the opportunity to meet on this project and she worked with Bob in a former life in training and development. She was great, very friendly and specializes in Executive coaching and consultative selling and ‘pitch’ consulting. She is [email protected]
So-as I flew back on the Red Eye from LA and thought about this group–it truly was from ‘one degree of separation as more terrific colleagues and experts in their fields emerged.
Get in touch with any of these wonderful people–I would be honored to refer any one of them!
This week–go through your own list from a recent meeting, assignment or collection of friends and see how they all trace back to each other and how you can refer and connect them.