Today January 6-marks the 3 rd anniversary of the passing of my dear, wonderful mother, Molly. I think of her everyday because she was so wise, warm and was also my dearest friend. She also told it just like it was and you always knew exactly how she felt and she never 'pulled any punches'.
When I woke up today and lit my Yahrzeit candle which burns for 24 hours, I looked at it and said–'Mom–give me some sort of a sign today that you are fine and you are with Daddy."
As the day went on and I was working and had meetings, I had to make a stop at my local post office. The line was SO long and I waited for exactly 30 minutes when it still had not moved. I left and had to go to meeting on 89th street–an area I don't always frequent and don't know it like my own neighborhood.
As I got off the subway, I walked into a shop and said–'is there a post office nearby?" It turned out that there was one on 85th between 2nd and 3rd avenue. So I thought–I'll back track and go there and still make my meeting.
After I left the post office and was walking to my client–in totally 'foreign territory'–as I crossed the street there was a pub on the corner—- called "Molly's". I stopped and literally had tears in my eyes and realized that 'this was my sign'.
Some would say, it was sheer coincidence—I say otherwise. Why did I end up in an area totally where I was not supposed to be and why out of all the restaurants, etc—did I find myself right in front of one with my Mom's name.
Call it what you want–I believe it is one of those God Winks that we get all the time–yet we often don't realize what they are.
For me–today was so special–and I know my dear Molly is looking down with a smile. I love you, Mom!!
Hi Andrea:
What a touching piece!
How many coincidences do people need to believe in G_D?
You truly received an angelic sign!
Have a wonderful 2009!
Don Sutaria
Author: Career and Life Counseling from the Heart.