I meet terrific people in the most amazing ways and I met Mitchell Westmoreland when I received an email from him that he had just ordered my audio version of Savvy Networking…..and he was going to listen to it on a 7 hour drive…. on New Year's Eve day!
As I read the email and by the way, I was in Costa Rica at the time– he was unable to download the product right away (a little glitch) that we were able to quickly resolve thanks to the great people I work with.
In any event, I was making sure even though I was thousands of miles away and sometimes in a 'no email zone' like the Rain Forest that I was staying in touch with Mitchell.
Fast forward to the new year and we have spoken and he is clearly a talented entrepreneur working on his first feature film; has scored numerous short films and documentaries and is forming a video game post production company with another composer and sound designer.
He has been composing and performing for the last 15 years and is currently scoring a short film for the winner of the 48 hour Film Contest. This is an event where film makers in cites all over the U.S. are given 48 hours to shoot an entire film based on certain criteria. Can you imagine shooting a whole file in literally 2 days!!!
Take a few minutes to visit Mitchell's website/on line demo:
www.blueorbmusic.com and www.mitchellwestmoreland.com
And feel free to reach out to him!