Lucky for me that two days before "National Stress Awareness Day", I met Lisa Zaslow who is the Founder and CEO of Gotham Organizers
Lisa has a world of knowledge when it comes to making you more productive and organized.
Visit her site and for a quick and immediate take away, read her article below–you will definitely find some golden nuggets to put into action.
Organizing Paper: Do’s and Don’ts
postal service delivers 200 billion pieces of mail. Another 2 trillion pieces of paper are generated in offices. There are about 300 million people in the county – you can do the math – that’s a lot of paper that each of us has to deal with! If you’re not managing paper effectively, it’s costing you time and money.
Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to keep on top of the thousands and thousands of pieces of paper you must handle each year.
DO leave 1”-2” of space in each drawer so that you can easily grab files and to drop papers into them.
DO get help when you need it! Depending on your situation, you may need information on how to manage your papers, someone to work with you to create systems that you can easily follow, or someone to handle your paperwork for you.
Lisa Zaslow
is the founder of and a nationally recognized expert on organization and productivity. She helps individuals and businesses to be more productive, more organized and less stressed. Lisa is the author of “Can’t I Just Shred It All? 101 Quick Tips to File – and Find – Your Important Papers”, available at To receive Lisa’s Productivity Tips e-newsletter visit www.GothamOrganizers.comGet a daily quick tip by following GothamOrganizer on Twitter.