This weekend after returning from a great trip to France, I was up at my favorite spa–the New Age Spa in Neversink, NY where I give a workshop on "Managing Your Time and Managing Your Stress".
This time was a particularly wonderful experience–with a bit of jet lag, I had time to relax, reflect and recharge. I took a long walk and stopped at the local post office to buy some stamps and the service in this small town post office was one of the best I have witnessed in a very long time. Jodi who was helping me clearly went the extra mile and put a real smile on my face.
It made me realize again the true importance of really giving great service in every job we do and to everyone we connect with. If we all did this–we would truly live in a much better world.
I wrote 10 notes while on my weekend excursion–and dropped them all in the post office of , N.Y.
For those of us including myself who can't always find the time or our handwriting isn't what we would like–can always use my favorite 'appreciation marketing strategy'—
The smile on the face is the key! I will forever remember your comment to our walking guide at New Age, you told him he had a nice smile. He was quite flustered at first, he wasn’t quite sure how to respond. After that, he changed from a shy man to a very engaging man who talked non-stop for an hour. It was an amazing transformation and I will remember you the next time I run into a grumpy person, I will tell them they have a nice smile and I’ll see what happens!