What a great treat when my friend and client, Dr. Robert Lamb came up from Philadelphia with his wonderful wife, Susan and we had a wonderful holiday lunch. Susan has an amazing business–she raises and breeds chinchillas and as I learned, they are the perfect pet to have. (Look at this picture which can make one melt) On her website, you will see many other pictures of the cutest little furry pets that will make you smile and want to dial up and speak with Susan.
I was listening with fascination as she spoke about how she started and built her business and I encourage you to visit her website www.chincherub.chinchillas.org You just may know someone who is in the market for a great holiday gift or a terrific new pet.
I met Bob about 14 years ago when I worked with him at his prior pharmaceutical organization and before he launched REL & Associates http://www.relscience.com
With almost 40 years of experience as a clinical and consultant pharmacist working in every possible setting,he is a genius in medicines and health care presenting about the 'science of drugs' at conferences worldwide- educating other top specialists in medicine and also patients.What I marvel at is his ability to explain a highly scientific issue at a level that a patient or 'lay person' like myself can truly understand.